How Danolyte Disinfectant Spray Works
The disinfectant spray is a substance sprayed on subjects or surfaces to kill or destroy microorganisms living on them. It is important to note that disinfectants do not kill every kind of bacteria, especially the more resistant strains. The active ingredients in the sprays either interfere with the metabolism of the bacteria or destroys their cell walls. The most common places disinfectants are used include; hospitals, doctor's rooms, dental surgeries, labs, kitchens, restaurants, hotels, and bathrooms. The perfect disinfectant spray The perfect spray should be able to kill or deactivate all types of bacteria and viruses. The spray should be inexpensive, non-harmful to humans, and non-corrosive. The most important aspect though is the efficacy of the disinfectant, the perfect one will kill all bacteria in a short span of time. By killing the bacteria it prevents it from evolving and multiplying in numbers that are resistant to the original chemicals used in the kill attempt. The ...