Hypochlorous Acid - A NON-TOXIC Disinfectant that Kills COVID

danolyte hypochlorous acid
Corona is the most cursed and spoken term all across the world in 2020-21. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has already declared the pandemic caused by this deadly virus as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern and asked to remain and follow safety precautions to stay fortified. There are several simple home remedies that come handy that you can use to protect yourself during pandemics as Prevention is better than cure”

Coronavirus Disease spreads basically from person to person, when droplets from one person reach another’s mouth or nose. It can also be transmitted when a person touches a contaminated surface and then touches his or her face or mouth. However, transmission can also happen once you touch a contaminated surface and then touch your face or another person.

There is a Non-Toxic disinfectant called Hypochlorous Acid that is used to kill this deadly coronavirus. It is an organic and alcohol-free disinfectant to fight coronavirus.

Hypochlorous Acid-

Each and every sanitizer should be non-toxic when it comes in contact with the individual, noncorrosive and also inexpensive. This non-toxic disinfectant is mainly used in oral-maxillofacial surgery known as OMS office.

Hocl is a substance that is present in each and every mammal and also in a variety of microorganisms. Various acids which produce hocl are Neutrophils, eosinophils, mononuclear phagocytes etc. To cure any infection through respiratory burst nicotinamide.

How is hocl made?

It can be made by combining non-iodinated salt, water and also electrolysis. Take 1L container of water, then add 1g of salt into it and also 1spoon vinegar. Then turn on the machine and the solution will get electrolyzed within 8 minutes.

Hocl was used to make many viruses inactive including the coronavirus in 1 minute. It is very effective as a disinfectant in noroviruses and also enteric viruses.

It is used in many industries such as farming, restaurant, food and health care applications and also wound care.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, many massive health issues and economic disruption arose. Also, there is no such effective antiviral drug that can prevent COVID-19. Therefore, we should follow the guidelines issued by the government and also using Hypochlorous Acid - A NON-TOXIC Disinfectant that Kills COVID.

Proper personal care, and taking protective equipment like masks and sanitizers make the chances of getting infected by COVID-19 very low.

When this Disinfectant is merged with our personal protection equipment and social distancing techniques will reduce the chances to get infected to COVID-19.

This Non-toxic disinfectant works by disturbing the structure ordby breaking the cell wall of the virus it comes in contact with.

When coming in contact with the virus, the agent which is not infected change the coat of protein and then forms up the new clumps of protein.

The mechanism to disinfection includes the destruction of viruses which allows them to make them inactive. This acid is a non-toxic disinfectant that will not harm the individual in any way.

I hope that this blog helps you in understanding that we should not take COVID-19 lightly and also we should follow all the guidelines by the government and also use Hypochlorous Acid - A NON-TOXIC Disinfectant which will help us to prevent and be safe from COVID-19.




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