How to Use Disinfectant for Schools in Philippines ?

disinfectant for school
As we all know that cleaning and sanitizing are two of the most prominent and vital takes that need to be substantiated with green disinfectant, which can be used sometimes for all cleansing areas that can be used for particular School infections. 

Looking for an eco-friendly disinfectant for School cleaning . one should always check the environmental protection Agencies' approval that basically cleans the ability to dispatch 99.99% pathogens, bacteria viruses and other unwanted microbes. 

One should always opt for environment-friendly and risk-free disinfectant and germicide as this would not only benefit the environment but would even concentrate the vitality of cleaning with the combination of the sustained methodology of maintenance mitigated with homemade and market available ingredients that can be effective disinfectant for long-term sustainable.

 How School Disinfection Helps Students?

  • The immunity of pupils is less and they are more prone to suffer lethal effects of toxicity.  it is vital to use ECE approved organic disinfectant.
  • Other than that disinfectant are even children and staff friendly so everyone can use them.
  • Moreover, these disinfectant do not have any type of Side Effects such as skin irritation, burning, itching so the young pupils don't have to suffer.
  • This precautionary principle would help to inculcate the nurturant behaviour.  they would understand the vitality of a greener and cleaner environment.

 Why Disinfectant for School is Important?

  • As students spend a lot of time together playing, studying, eating and doing various fun activities. there are high chances of accumulating a large pool of bacteria as they come in direct contact with each other.
  • The small children do not have any knowledge about personal hygiene maintenance so cleaning is necessitated.
  • Even kids are careless when it comes to washing hands. They do not stop putting their hands in mouth. Their immunity system is weak because their physiological some is not completely developed so cleaning is a must.

 What should Be Avoided while Using Disinfectant For School?

Disinfectant is made from high toxic Chemicals such as ammonium compounds and sodium hypochlorite compounds that would cause inbuilt and disastrous disruption on the health of staff, teachers and students should be completely cut down.

 Best  Disinfectants for School to Be Used in School:-

  1. Ozone spray - these are antibacterial, antiviral, antimicrobial germicides that would guarantee almost zero toxicity.
  2. danolyte disinfectant  - it is an efficient, safe and excellent disinfectant against viruses, bacteria and microbial function that is effective at low temperature with almost no UV radiation.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide - it is a disinfectant that is capable of ruining the bacteria even without having any harmful effect.
  4. Eco-friendly gels - these gels are based on biogas and other products specifically that are not toxic.


One should always understand and comprehend that the performance of organic disinfectant in school would not only aid us, ecological benefits but would help to feed vital qualities of nurturant and permissible nature among the students along with reducing carbon footprints and global warming crises.


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